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Mary W. - Office Manager & Human Resources

Mary W. - Office Manager & Human Resources's Bio:
Mary grew up in the Memphis area, where she lives with her husband, Ben. She has been a part of the Precision Door Team since 2012. Mary loves the feeling of family that Precision has and that it keeps her busy. She is happily married and has 4 children. Mary loves the outdoors, especially camping. When she is not spending time with her family, she enjoys knitting, crocheting, and painting. During times of year that the weather is nice, Mary loves going on scenic motorcycle rides with her husband.
(901) 290-3018
(901) 290-3018(901) 654-4284
(901) 654-4284(901) 286-2461
(901) 286-2461(901) 466-2506
(901) 466-2506(901) 654-4284
(901) 654-4284(901) 654-4284
(901) 654-4284(901) 466-2506
(901) 466-2506(901) 451-8954
(901) 451-8954(901) 290-3018
(901) 290-3018(901) 290-3018
(901) 290-3018(662) 655-1472
(662) 655-1472